[PANN] Netizen discuss about Park Minyoung on her new profile picture!

I’ts new, Park Minyoung just took a new profile picture.
This is so pretty??????? It’s so pretty to look at, I swear.
It’s the best profile picture I’ve ever seen.
The most beautiful …………………………
She used to be pretty before, but I’m definitely sure she getting a little bit more pretty too now.
I want to print it and put it in the room
They said it was good even after the first episode of the drama????
It’s funny, but it’s still pretty cool.

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I can feel enough to just look at it.
It’s really nice to see it.
It’s really a good drama! 
It’s look pretty good.
I also have a picture of Park Seojun and Park Minyoung~~~~~ Really like it ><
Netizen comment :
(+35,-9) Oh, every time there’s Park Minyoung articles said that she had surgery what is it… Did she perform surgery to look so pretty? she’s pretty already
(+29,-2) For now, of course she’s pretty.. But when in high school…
(+17,-11) Could you please just look at the face before the plastic surgery? I would take out my face and put it on again.
(+9,-1) I admire your first photo .. ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ
(+9,-7) Park Minyoung is so pretty. I have been afraid of her face ever since I saw the picture before the plastic surgery.. ㅠㅠ;;
(+5,-1) Its pretty.. Natural or not it’s still pretty.