4th year after debut, GFRIEND back with another song ‘Sunrise’! believe there’s still a lot of thing to show

GFRIEND show how their feelings for the 4th anniversary of their debut.

Netizen comment :

(+82,-5) 20190114 At 6:00 p.m. GFRIEND’s second album Time For Us and Sunrise as the title track for the album! Let’s make it big! GFRIEND, fighting!

(+39,-2) There’s more I want to see.

(+29,-3) GFRIEND Sunrise let’s hit big!!

(+24,-3) There’s not much time left before the song comes out. And please on’t get hurt in this promotion!! I will support you! Sunrise fighting!

(+21,-3) GFRIEND 2nd album Sunrise let’s hit big !!

(+10,0) Congratulations GFRIEND for the 4Th anniversary since debut!

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