IZONE Sakura and Nako to participate in the upcoming HKT48 Concert

Girl group IZ*ONE  announced statement that  Miyawaki Sakura and Yabuki Nako will be participate in upcoming HKT48 activity(Concert).

Netizen comment :

(+232,-4) They have been active for a month now ? And they’re already do this to the group.. The contract must be a joke.

(+154,-2) I don’t think the fans being too much.. I know the risk of double group because of IOI.. It’s only time until they allowed them to double activity.. Later Hitomi will have team 8 anniversary, and they will send her again to perform

(+128,0) It’s happening like IOI.. The other agencies will take their kids and then they won’t be able to stop them because of  HKT..

(+83,-3) Now that you’ve done this, you have to stop it now. If you make it clear this time, the team image will look bad.

(+22,0) Double activity is going to effect the team chemistry.. Don’t you remember about IOI? Don’t you think ?

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