[PANN] Fans worry to NCT Yuta’s health and wish him to eat more

He’s eating the food in the show ㅠㅠ

He even trying to eat the last ice creamㅠ

Chocolate banana blended : the fat food ㅠㅠ

He check the beverage calorie

He pretend to eat the ice cream ㅠㅠ

He look at Jaehyun but he’s on diet, so he just eat it instead

The last one the girl dress..
Even the shirt…

Yuta self-management is really ㅠㅠ you have did a lot of exercise ㅠㅠ
Yuta please lets just eat ..
You know health is more important than anything ㅠㅠ

Netizen comment :

(+82,-48) ;;What self control is this?  Isn’t it just an early symptom of anorexia? I should take a look at my book. What else are they?

(+76,-6) Na Yuta ㅠㅠ Just eat it, I feel bad to look at that.. Idol is such an extreme job.

(+58,-11) Na Yuta self control is really ㅠㅠ

(+40,-7) Yuta ㅠㅠ So skinny ㅠㅠ Please eat a lot ㅠㅠ

(+30,-4) Everyone was ready to eat the food in the party but Yuta just look at his fork.. What self control is this…

(+26,0) NCT dont even have a fat member… //pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js
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