DIA Chaeyeon looks lovely with guitar in a new selca for ‘To. Jenny’

The KBS2 Music Drama ‘To.Jenny’ starring Jeong Chae-yeon, has started airing on 10th July, the combination of music that reflects the characteristics of the music drama caught attention of the viewers in the first episode.

Netizen comment :

(+59,6) I’m enjoy Chaeyeon acting, cool jam

(+27,-2) I believe in Jung Chaeyeon Drama!

(+10,0) I really like her voice, I have download the 2songs because I like it ^^ You’re such a good singer~ And chaeyeon is so pretty~

(+10,0) Chaeyeon looks so pretty everytime on screen

(+8,0) I can’t wait for next week

(+7,0) It’s too short ㅠㅠ

(+7,0) Chaeyeon ㅠㅠ Chaeyeon fighting!!

(+9,-3) Soo pretty ㅠㅠ

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