Song Hyekyo and Park Bogum confirmed to star in drama ‘Boyfriend’ together!

This is the moment when ‘review’ becomes ‘final’. Actors Song Hyekyo and Park Bogum have finally decided to star in the drama “Boyfriend”.

Netizen comment :

(+694,-59) Park Bogum i will support you!! I really look forward to this drama!!

(+387,-26) Park Bogum I will support you no matter what.

(+345,-129) I’m really looking forward to what wonderful acting Song Hye kyo will show this time.

(+223,-21) I really look forward for it! ^ ^

(+150,-6) I will support whatever you choose! I’m waiting! Boyfriend Bogum!

(+110,-8) I have an appointment with my boyfriend every week at the end of the year! Who? Park Bogum!

(+94,-8) i’ll see… Bogum and Hyekyo //
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